
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: Kneeling Cable Lift

As mentioned before, the primary role of the core musculature is core stabilization. More importantly, research has shown over the last couple of years that your core is supposed to work as an anti-rotator. It's supposed to resist lumbar rotation as force is applied to the upper or lower body. For this reason, I'll start all of my new clients out on plank work. There are so many versions of the plank to use as each previous version gets easier. But where do you go after that? Once you've been able to stabilize your core form a prone, supine or side position it's time to get up off the floor. It's time to go to a kneeling position. That's where this weeks exercise of the week comes in, the kneeling cable lift. This movement was popularized by Gray Cook and Mike Boyle. I love this movement...when done right. When it's done right you can really fell that core musculature working.

To perform:
  1. Adjust a a pulley to the lowest position and attach a triceps rope.
  2. Get into a tall , half-kneeling position with the inside knee in the down position, parallel to the weight stack. It's important to really fire the glute on the outside hip as this will help stabilize the hip during the movement (As a side note, I like to use an
    airex pad
    for the down knee. It's just a bit more comfortable).
  3. Grip the rope with both hands and start with your arms in an extended position towards the pulley. The rest of your body should be facing straight ahead as much as possible.
  4. From here, pull the rope in towards your chest, maintaining that straight ahead position. That's movement one.
  5. Movement two is to extend your arms and push the rope out across the body in a diagonal pattern, trying to resist rotation around the waist. Get those arms fully extended!!
  6. After a slight pause, reverse the movement by bringing your hands to your chest, then back towards the pulley. Remember, it's a sequential movement, not all in one motion. ( A picture of the finish position is below)
  7. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps on one side, then switch to the other side. If you happen to have a harder time on one side, always start with that side.

Remember, you're not trying your twist your spine every which way with this movement. Once you've gotten the kneeling or half kneeling position down, then it's time to work form a standing position.

Can the crunches and start chopping and lifting.

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