
RichRuff Training Exercise of the Week: Close Grip Bench Press

When designing a workout for a client or for myself, the first thing I think about is it's efficiency. How can I can get the biggest bang for the buck? What exercises are going to give the largest training effect? For this reason, you'll see a lot of compound movements in my workouts, whether they're for me or for someone else. Having a workout full of single joint isolation exercises is a waste of time. Rather, how can I kill two birds with one stone? This week's exercise of the week, the close grip bench press, does just that. It's a great chest exercise, while also putting a large amount of stress on the triceps. Plus, the triceps responds better to heavier loads. How much weight are you possibly going to be able to do when doing single arm dumbbell kickbacks? Not much. The pink dumbbell's only go up to about 8lbs.

As a side note, do not move your grip in too close. Back in the day, I used to place my hands only about 4-6 inches apart. My elbows and wrists didn't like that too much. I suggest about a 12-14 inch spacing between your index fingers. You know which fingers those are, right?

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