
Question to RichRuff Training

I have a l4-l5 stress fracture that I can't heal to get back to running and playing sports. I need some exercises and help on how to get me back on track. I am 32 yrs old and had this injury since I was 23. Its strong enough to work on but as soon as I try to run or jog it goes back to uncomfortibility. I do core exercises but dont have a wide range of them to heal this frustrating injury. Please help me. I'm so frustrated.


Hello Matt. First, the stress fracture has to heal. If it hasn't healed, I'd recommend dropping the activities that are causing the pain. Second, I'd suggest working on your hip mobility through some soft tissue work and static and dynamic flexibility. If your hips are not mobile, your lower back has to account for this lack of mobility. Your lower back is not supposed to provide mobility. It's supposed to provide stability. This leads into my third suggestion, spinal stability. The bulk of your core training should be spinal and abdominal stabilizing work. This would include exercises such as: prone planks, side planks, bird dogs, glute bridging, woodchops, etc..
I hope this helps. Good luck.

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